Interface IReportGroupVisitor

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public interface IReportGroupVisitor

Output-Interface for hierarchical report structures. To allow sequential processing and save memory the group structure has to be traversed in a "deep first" fashion. The interface is implemented by the report formatters and can be used to emit coverage report structures. The following constraints apply in using IReportGroupVisitor instances:

Method Summary
 void visitBundle(IBundleCoverage bundle, ISourceFileLocator locator)
          Called to add a bundle to the report.
 IReportGroupVisitor visitGroup(String name)
          Called to add a new group to the report.

Method Detail


void visitBundle(IBundleCoverage bundle,
                 ISourceFileLocator locator)
                 throws IOException
Called to add a bundle to the report.

bundle - a bundle to include in the report
locator - source locator for this bundle
IOException - in case of IO problems with the report writer


IReportGroupVisitor visitGroup(String name)
                               throws IOException
Called to add a new group to the report. The returned IReportGroupVisitor instance can be used to add nested bundles or groups. The content of the group has to be completed before this or any parent visitor can be used again ("deep first").

name - name of the group
visitor for the group's content
IOException - in case of IO problems with the report writer

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